About Me

As a member of the American Tarot Association, I share their values and ethics for reading for others. Basically, they amount to common courtesy and respect for the client and for my own and others' reputations as tarot readers.
I originally used the name "Sophia" for my online tarot reading practice. Why? Well, that was the policy at the online reading sites I signed up with, so I, like many others on the internet, have various "personas." Why "Sophia?" Sophia is Greek for "Wisdom," partcularly divine wisdom, and while I make no claims to any of that, I like to think there is divine wisdom to be gained from reading tarot.
I started 78 Notes To Self because I love tarot, I love writing, I have a lot to say and hope there's someone who wants to listen. I also really enjoy helping people process through their stuff. I'm all about the process. Reading tarot for others is a mutually satisfying endeavor because I get to read the cards and hopefully help you process through some of your stuff, and you get to make a little sense out of something that has been nagging you and making you crazy. See? Win-win.
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